Join the Association
IASEMS welcomes membership of all individuals, organizations and institutions that share the Association’s cultural aims.
To request membership, fill in the English 📄⤓ or the Italian 📄⤓ application form and send it by e-mail to Iolanda Plescia ( attaching your cv with a list of publications specifying the url of your academic web page (if applicable: e.g. official department page, profile, etc.). Please proceed with payment after your request has been accepted. The url of your web page will be posted on the Members section of our website.
Please send a payment through your bank:
conto corrente n.1000/00003650
intestato a “Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies”
Banca INTESA SANPAOLO, Agenzia San Giuseppe (05018, Via Saragozza, 87, Bologna)
IBAN: IT53S0306902487100000003650
Please write in the payment description:
Name, Surname, and the year of membership you are paying.
For Example: John Brown, membership 2019
Professors and lecturers: 40 euros
Undergraduates, doctoral students and unpaid young scholars: 20 euros
Supporting members: 70 euros